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Nothing is Too Little!

2 Kings 4:42-44; Ps 145; Eph 4:1-6; Jn 6:1-15

By Bro. Errol Salcedo, CJM

In this 17th Sunday of Ordinary Time, let us learn and reflect on the way Jesus deals with the little resources and uses them for the good of everybody. We have found this in the Gospel for today, when Jesus saw the large crowd coming over him, perhaps tired and hungry, and he said, “Where can we buy enough food for them to eat?” When Philip and Andrew heard it, out of pressure and frustration, they said, “Two hundred days’ wages worth of food would not be enough for each of them to have a little” (Jn 6:7)...”There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish; but what good are these for so many?” Instead of being reactive because of their lack of faith, Jesus taught them the brand of leadership which is based on love and generosity.” (Jn 6:9) He TOOK the bread, GAVE thanks to God, and SHARED it to them.” These gestures of Jesus are important attitudes to believe that everything comes from God, to be grateful of what we have, and to share the blessings that we received to those in need.

These attitudes were also seen in the child who willingly shared his “five loaves and two fish,” for the good of the many. Instead, to keep his resources for his own needs, he was willing to share them for the good of all. The love and generosity of the child became the instrument of God to make the extraordinary event happened in the life of the people. Practically, the child knew that his “baon”(lunchbox) was not enough to feed the five thousand men, not including women and children but because of his faith in Jesus and willingness to share his little gifts, it became a miracle of multiplication of gifts.

Recently, we heard the story of Anna Patricia Non, a young girl from Maginhawa, Quezon City, who just initiated the community pantry out of love and generosity to help the community in this time of crisis. In her little way, she began to share something with the poor and the needy community. In response, some people reacted negatively and even placed her in the spotlight “she is a member communist party!” But her good intention never stopped, it became a way of the people to share their gifts and it continued to expand all over the Philippines until now.

Therefore, Jesus reminds us that we should neither be afraid nor hesitant to share what we have, no matter how small they are. Extraordinary works actually come from the little initiatives and efforts of the people who constantly do it with love and generosity. Hence, nothing is too little in giving, God can use it to show His greatness and to value one another’s uniqueness. Indeed, the Gospel for today is a beautiful reminder that everyone is unique in the eyes of God and every member plays an important role in the community.

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